Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Our first Halloween in our new home: I am now learning wisdom as I become a more seasoned Halloween mom, that at least two out of our four children are bound to change their minds at the last minute about their costumes. Ben ended up deciding to wear his badly torn ghost costume from last year instead of the brand new Anakin Skywalker costume he insisted on a few weeks ago. Jeff also changed from Spiderman to Venom. Sarah was true to Rapunzel, although I now know why the storybooks always show her with a long braid. The wig became a huge knot in about ten minutes. And Jacob was the cutest vampire ever!

Friday, October 29, 2010

So I had fun finally putting some music on our blog and I had to put 'Fireflies' on first because the kids LOVE this song so much - -well, that and 'Hey, Soul Sister' (doesn't every child love this song? I think it must be the ukelele!). Anyway, since this is our family blog with mostly pictures of the children, and we've been listening to this song somewhat constantly since our move, it seemed only natural! This picture is from June. We finally have a real back yard for the kids to play in and they were so excited for their first run through the sprinklers after a long winter.

New Location, New post (finally)

So, for all of you who know us, we are not always the most consistent at things like blogs, but I was looking at all of these seriously outdated pictures and entries and realized it's time to update. So here goes... We moved! We bought a new house! We have gone a whole year without getting pregnant. Yes, some very important milestones have occurred as our so aptly named "Woodland Adventure" continues...

Jeff's Easter triumph!

Jeff's Easter triumph!

Who needs easter eggs when your hair looks this cute?

Who needs easter eggs when your hair looks this cute?

"Mom, are you done taking my picture yet?"

"Mom, are you done taking my picture yet?"

Welcome Baby Jacob!

Welcome Baby Jacob!
Jacob Henry Woodland was born on February 1st weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces. We are so happy that he has joined our family. He has made Heaven feel so close. From the moment we saw him, Mark and I have known that he has a special, peaceful spirit about him. He has been an angel and we have never had such a relaxed happy baby! And yes, we needed it. Three children in three and a half years feels like a marathon that you are having to sprint! But it is so joyful---spitup and all-- and when you look at these precious ones, you can only feel grateful for the miracle of life that God has given us! It is hard to believe that he has blessed us with four!

Woodland Clan minus Dad plus cousin Sydney

Woodland Clan minus Dad plus cousin Sydney
So here we all are at bedtime when Mark's sister Megan and her daughter Sydney (on the far left) were visiting while Mark was on a business trip!

Sunbeams Here We Come!

Sunbeams Here We Come!
Sarah was very excited to be going to Primary with her big brother for the first time. For those of you who are wondering what I'm talking about, at our church before they are three years old, the children go to Nursery where they basically play. But then they go to what most would call Sunday School with the older children. The sunday school class for three year-olds is called Sunbeams.

Sunday Best

Sunday Best
This was in January and of course Sarah doesn't have shoes on, but at least we got two of our children to stand still together long enough for a picture!

Jeff in his car "throne"

Jeff in his car "throne"
I just had to put this picture of Jeff in, even though it's from January because let's face it: He spends a lot of time in what Sarah has named his "car throne"!

Sarah's Preschool Christmas party

Sarah's Preschool Christmas party
Okay so this is an old picture but I'm behind and don't want to skip some of these classic moments!